Canyon Nerve XC7 - 2006

segunda-feira, fevereiro 27, 2006

O que vou aproveitar da VAG

Pouco, muito pouco. Apenas os pedais de encaixe!!! E as boas recordações. Ainda bem que já nos "conhecemos" durante uns Kms. Que belas quedas eu dei, e irei dar...

Body: Hand polished aluminum
Axle: CNC machined Cr-Mo
Bearings: LSL & sealed
Binding: Dual-sided steel, adjustable tension (
Corner: 36 degrees
Size: 80 x 55 mm
Weight: 320 g/pr

quinta-feira, fevereiro 23, 2006

Ultimas duvidas...

O meu mail:
Yesterday, Canyon send me the "Rechnung". The mail say to pay the bike but, i already pay the XC7. Can you confirm my XC7 was send to me yesterday???
Thank you

The bike has been sent today! You should receive it end of nest week.
Kind reagards

Ou seja, dia 2 ou 3 de Março, esta em casa!!!

quarta-feira, fevereiro 22, 2006


Sehr geehrter
vielen Dank für Ihren Auftrag.
Im Anhang finden Sie die Rechnung als pdf- Datei.
Bitte überweisen Sie uns den Betrag unter Angabe Ihrer
Auftrags- und Kundennummer.
Nachdem wir Ihren Zahlungseingang auf unserem Konto
verbuchen konnten, schicken wir Ihnen die bestellte Ware umgehend zu.
Bei Fragen zu Rechnung stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude mit unserem Produkt!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Koblenz,
Ihr Canyon-Team

A factura veio em PDF

segunda-feira, fevereiro 20, 2006

Esta quase!!!

O meu mail:
Just ask about the assemblage of my XC7. It´s ready? If the answer is positive, when do you send it???
Thank you

The chief of our bike assembly promised me to make the bike ready for shipping latest until wednesday. I Inform you as soon as the bike has been shipped.
Kind regards

sexta-feira, fevereiro 17, 2006

Ja esta pronta???

O meu mail:
I send you a mail, this morning, ask about the xc7. Is ready to send me???
Thank you

I'm waiting for an answer from the chief of our bike assembly. I expect to get it tomorrow. The bike isn't ready yet.
Kind regard

quinta-feira, fevereiro 16, 2006

Afinal, esta tudo bem!!!

O meu mail:
Are you already contact your bank??? What they say??? What is the problem???
Can you answer me today?? Pease.
Thank you

the transfer arrived. It has been unable to assign to Your order since there has been no customer Id or order number transmitted.
Kind regards

Estou a ficar preocupado!!!

O meu mail:
Have you see the document of my bank whith the details of bank transfer??? Everything is O.K.? The account numbers?? In my bank, they told me: after 3 days, the money is in Germany!!!
Thank you, once again

Please, could You send the document again?
Thanks in advance


O meu mail:
Do you have news for me??? You have the money??? The bike is ready??
Thank you

The money didn't arrive yet. Your bike will be ready for shipping within the next few days.
Kind regards

terça-feira, fevereiro 14, 2006

Onde para o dinheiro???

O meu mail:
Hello, Last friday, 10, i transfer the money. I know it takes 2 or 3 days the german bank have the money. Do you have the confirmation??? I tha answer is yes, when are you send my bike??? This week???
Thank you

The money hasn't arrived yet. I'll inform You, when we have sent the bike. Should be this week.
Kind regards

sexta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2006


O meu mail:
I know, by the invoice you send me (10.01.2006), and after talk whith some people in, the next week is the assemblage ok my XC7. Can i transfer the money today??? Or i whait for your confirmation?
Thank you, one more time.

thank you for your E-Mail.
You can tranfer the money today.
Amount incl. shipping is 1946,80 Euro.
Transfer the money to one of the following accounts:
Sparkasse Koblenz or Postbank Köln
Purpose of transfer: Auftrag XXXXXX/Kundennummer XXXXXX
Kind Regards
Canyon Bicycles GmbH

7,02€ de comissão
0,28€ de imposto de selo
17,46€ de despesas de correspondência (isto, não me tinham dito!!! Em Espanha, este valor não existe - viva a Comunidade Europeia!)

quinta-feira, fevereiro 02, 2006

Easton EA 70 Risebar - 2

O meu mail:
The bar whith 63.5cm is ok.
My XC7 is assambled this month, you say. You can tell me a aproximate day??? Before 15??? After 15??
Thank You

The bike should be ready for shipping middle of this month. We will send You the invoice as soon as it is ready.

Nota: eu ainda não sabia o significado de "KW7"

Easton EA 70 Risebar - 1

O meu mail:
I see a Nerve XC7 in
The Easton EA 70 Riserbar, is 63,5cm long. I note the bike have a big frame (L or XL??), compare whit the model of your web site (S?). My question is: what the size of Easton EA 70 Riserbar for a M size frame?
Thank you

The bikes on our website are frame size M. The standard length of the bar is 63,5cm. We can shorten it, if You want.
Kind regards

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visitas desde 28 Maio 2006